Thursday, March 20, 2008

Is politics really a laughing matter?

As you, all should know from my past articles I am not a very big fan of network television. Nevertheless, I do watch occasionally and when I do, it really concerns me to see what is popular with the masses. This gets to the point of today's article. The mixture of comedy and news, and how our modern day presidential candidates, must win over this generation of one-liners and pranksters, to have a chance at the white house. Is this the future of America? If the candidates cannot take themselves seriously then why should we. We are deciding who holds the highest office in the land based upon laughs, ratings and celebrity status. None of these attributes qualifies to be the leader of the greatest republic ever formed. I want someone who is serious and professional. A candidate that will not have to stoop to the level of a court jester to be taken seriously. Someone with honor, integrity and dignity. In other words, not any of the clowns we have to choose from for this election.

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