Saturday, May 31, 2008

Apple stocks soar with Iphone 2

The rumor is that Apple will release the much-anticipated Iphone 2 sometime this summer. Some of the buzz is around a longer battery life, GPS, with 3G wireless compatibility. Some tech sites have also claimed the option of a flip phone. Whoever owns Apple stock will be able to fill up the gas tank with all the extra money made from this revelatory product.

Friday, May 30, 2008

Solar Powered Bikini

There's just something about the Japanese ability to design things that can multi-task that never ceases to amaze me. For example we have a new type of bikini made by Japanese lingerie company Triumph. This interesting little two piece has a solar power cell weaved into the material, with ports allowing one to plug in their I-Pod while enjoying a day at the beach. Just think, now you can listen to your favorite music when on the beach while still leaving a small carbon footprint. What a concept!

Thursday, May 29, 2008

In the closet

In Tokyo, a homeless woman sneaked into a man's house where she lived undetected for a year. The unidentified man became suspicious when food started to disappear. Only after installing security cameras, he discovered his uninvited guest living in the closet. And I bet you thought I was talking about gays.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Global Warming Detected on Jupiter and Mars

Information has recently been released that for the last decade or so the planets Jupiter and Mars have been experiencing what scientist can only determine to be Global Warming. While Al Gore and his faithful continue to preach ecological Armageddon, and world governments are knocking themselves out to retool their industrial base in an effort to leave a smaller carbon footprint, Mars and Jupiter's' climates have been slowly changing. So what's the difference between Earth, Mars, and Jupiter? If your answer was no people …. Congratulations! You may now count yourself as more informed than the majority of global warming scientist. Two years ago astronomers from the University of California, Berkley and the W.M. Keck Observatory in Hawaii took several high resolution photos of Jupiter. The photos showed an increase in turbulence, and storms in Jupiter's atmosphere, photos taken earlier this month show that the storms still have not receded. Imke de Pater, professor of astronomy at U.C. Berkley referred to the images taken with the Hubble Space telescope, and the 10 meter Keck 2 telescope as a "major upheaval". These new images were first seen after Jupiter emerged from its passage behind the Sun. It is believed that these photos show that Jupiter is experiencing climate change, which astronomers predicted would happen four years ago."One of the most notable changes we observe in both the Hubble and Keck images is the change from a rather bland, quiescent band surrounding the Great Red Spot just over a year ago to one that is incredibly turbulent at both sides of the spot," de Pater stated. "During all previous HST observations and spacecraft encounters, starting with Voyager in 1979, such turbulence was seen only on the west or left side of the spot." An analysis done by Philip S. Marcus, a professor of fluid dynamics U.C. Berkley believes that these new images supports a 2004 conjecture that Jupiter is indeed experiencing Global Warming, with the planets temperature rising by at least 10 degrees Celsius, while getting warmer at the equator, and cooler at the south pole. "The appearance of the planets cloud system from just north of the equator down to 34 degrees south latitude keeps surprising us with changes and, in particular, with new cloud features that haven't been previously observed," remarked professor Marcus. "Whether or not Jupiter's climate has changed due to a predicted warming, the cloud activity over the last two and a half years shows dramatically that something unusual has happened." Let's not forget about Mars, which is experiencing climate change at such an accelerated rate, that according to scientist the planet may lose its' southern ice cap. NASA scientist claim that Mars has warmed by about 0.5 degrees Celsius since 1970. This NASA scientist say is similar to the type of warming Earth has been experiencing during the same time period. So what does all this have to do with what's happening on Earth? There're no people on either of these planets, and no industry to speak of, yet these worlds too suffer from Global Warming. So perhaps, just perhaps Global Warming is not a result of Human activity but rather a natural phenomena.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Hear the drums of war

Here we go again. What will it be this time? Weapons of mass destruction, nuclear power, harboring terrorist, supplying would be terrorist. The current Israeli controlled United States government will say anything to involve us in their evil plan for Middle East domination. Will we be fooled again into fighting and occupying a country that has done nothing to America? I hope that we have learned from recent mistakes. Iran does not intend to attack the western world, but they will defend themselves when the time comes. Israel will eventually attack Iran with or without the United States support. Still it would be easier to have us do their dirty work. Do not fall for the propaganda the idiot box belches out. The only way out of the war on terror is to denounce our allegiance to Israel.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Memorial Day

On this Memorial Day we at The Fire Zone Radio would like to take this opportunity to say thank you to all our troops wherever they're stationed. Without you and those who served before you this website would not exist. As for the rest of you, we hope you and your families have a wonderful Memorial Day.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Spike Lee Angered over Eastwood War Films

At the Cannes film festival Spike Lee bashed Clint Eastwood for not portraying black soldiers in his films Flags of Our Fathers, and Letters From Iwo Jima. " There were many African-Americans who survived that war and who were upset at Clint for not having one [in the films]. That was his version: the negro soldier did not exist. I have a different version," Mr. Lee said at a press conference to promote his own war film Miracle at St. Anna. Mr. Lee claimed that Mr. Eastwood was apprised of the fact that black soldiers were involved in the battle of Iwo Jima. So what is Mr. Lee's purpose in lashing out at Mr. Eastwood for what may or may not have been an oversight? When I'm watching a film, I'm usually too engrossed in the story line to be counting the number of ethnic races represented in the film. I would have to ask what Mr. Lee would like to see done to ensure that this never happens in Hollywood again, perhaps some sort of "Affirmative Action" rule that mandates that a certain percentage of ethnic races to be represented when filming? So much for creative freedom. In my opinion Mr. Lee has taken a small error and magnified it out of all proportion. Even if it wasn't an error it's still Mr. Eastwoods film, and if he wants to exclude that portion from his film, then he can. Mr. Lee has his own movie coming out about the all black members of the 92nd Buffalo Division, and should Mr. Lee decided to exclude any white soldiers in his film, then he too has a right to do just that. What strikes me as curious is the timing that Spike Lee choose to reprimand Clint Eastwood. Both of Eastwoods films came out in 2006 and 2007 respectively. That means Mr. Lee had almost two full years to voice his opposition to how Eastwood made his films. So why did Spike Lee wait until the 2008 Cannes film festival with all the worlds media in attendance to denounce Clint Eastwoods movies? I believe the timing was a deliberate attempt by Spike Lee to gain maximum exposure for his film by insinuating that Clint Eastwood is racist for not having any black soldiers in his cast.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

I.D. protection stolen

We have all seen Todd Davis advertisements daring someone to try to steal his identity. Well to make the story short someone did. Now Todd Davis's company Lifelock is in litigation with several customers asking for the one million dollar guarantee promoted by the company. Be careful of what you ask for.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Indiana Jones and The Temple Of The Crystal Skull

Trade the Nazis for Communist, and Aztec gold for extraterrestrial knowledge, and what you end up with is a cross between Raiders Of The Lost Ark, and Close Encounters of The Third Kind. Again Industrial Light & Magic did a wonderful job with the special effects that it almost compensated for the weak story line. The plot was supposed to tie up some loose ends, mainly what became of Marian Ravenwood, Marcus Brody, and Indiana Jones. Shia LaBeoufs' character while entertaining to watch, it was a bit more than I could handle when it was learned during the film that he was suppose to be Indiana's' son. That was just a little too convenient. Aside from that the film had action galore, and slapstick comedy. This is definitely a popcorn flick, just don't expect the same kind of engaging storyline that Ironman had.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Crazy ants invade Texas

I know this sounds like a line from a B rated drive in movie, but this is really happening. The Rasberry crazy ants as they are now known derived from somewhere in the Caribbean, and take their name from the exterminator who first discovered them, Tom Rasberry. This invasion would not have made news if it were not for the ant's unusual appetite. Electrical systems of all types are on the menu. From heating and air conditioning units to the home computer, even a report of residential main breaker box. All have been destroyed or damaged by these annoying creatures. Compound this problem by the ant's erratic behavior, which makes them very difficult to kill and gives them the second part of their name, crazy. With multiple queens and no certain pattern of colony growth, the Environmental Protection Agency has stepped in to find a way to contain them. Not a moment too soon the ants have been spotted in the near the Johnson space Center. Houston you have a problem.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Senate to Debate Global Warming Bill

In early June the U.S. senate will begin a very heated (no pun intended) debate on an upcoming Global Warming bill. This bill called the Climate Security Act is not expected to be passed this year, but more likely next year with the swearing in of the new president. "I really believe that if we don't get across the finish line this year, we will next year," commented bill supporter Jeremy Symons, who is the executive director of the global warming campaign for the National Wildlife Federation. "This is the first bill to have a serious chance of getting passed," continued Mr. Symons. Other notable supporters of the bill are Joe Lieberman, I-Conn., and John Warner, R-Va. The bill if passed would reduce supposed green house emissions by around 65% by the year 2050. So it's going to take 41 to 42 years to see the full benefit of this bill if passed. Obviously the U.S. government doesn't believe that an ecological collapse is imminent, or they would have purposed a bill that would affect these changes with greater speed. If passed it is believed that this bill will slow, or prevent the following; 1.Massive flooding along U.S. coastline. 2. Hurricanes of greater numbers and strength. 3. Drought in Midwest farm states. 4. Lastly an increase in wildfires in the western part of the United States. If you require a visual for any of these scenarios, let me suggest the movie Earthquake starring the late Charlton Heston and Eva Garbor. It's a great B film. I'm sorry but I just can't take this seriously. So far scientist around the world have shown me two things A. the amount of pollution Humans create, and B. how weather patterns work. None of these global warming scientists have yet to make a solid, definitive connection between Human activity, and changes in weather. Even Greenpeace founder Patrick Moore has been quoted saying that there was no proof that Humans are responsible for global warming.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008


This new technique of driving promises more bang for your buck when it comes to gas mileage. However, is this dangerous? I did some research and here are some of my conclusions. Some of the techniques are nothing more than common sense. Lowering your speed, cleaning out unnecessary weight out of your car, I cannot stand a dirty car anyway. Using cruise control has some mixed opinion; I personally will never own a car without it. Here is where some suggestions get dicey. Slow down instead of braking, putting your car in neutral while traveling down hills, drafting, turning the car off before putting it into park. I do not think any of these suggestions are worth your safety just to save money. I guess what concerns me the most is that my fellow travelers of the road being preoccupied with their gas mileage and are not paying attention what they should, the road.

Monday, May 19, 2008

UFOs Buzz Mexican Airspace!

When I started writing for this website I swore I'd never do a story about this kind of topic, but with so much bad news I couldn't resist it when I stumbled upon this one. On March 5, 2004 over the southern skies of Campeche, Mexican Air force pilots took several photographs of luminescent, rapidly moving objects. Scientist at the time believed that the phenomenon was caused by some gases in the atmosphere, something Al Gore should be intimately aware of. Could it actually be extraterrestrials, advanced aircraft out of AREA-51, or perhaps a liberal intake of tequila on the part of the pilots? I'm open to suggestions.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Senator Ted Kennedy hospitalized

The good news is that no interns where killed or injured.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

U.N Probes U.S. for Racism

From May 19th to June 6th a representative of the United Nations will be visiting eight U.S. cities in an effort to discern the level of racism in America. "The special rapporteur will…gather first hand information on issues related to racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance,"a U.N. spokesperson said on Friday. Doudou Diene, who was a Senegalese lawyer, will be conducting the probe. Mr. Diene will be visiting Washington D.C., New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, Omaha, New Orleans, Miami, and San Juan Puerto Rico. During this eight city tour Mr. Diene will be meeting with local and federal officials along with lawmakers, and judicial members. Ahh yes, apparently racism is so prevalent in America that the U.N. feels it's now necessary to send a Human Rights investigator. That to me is like the pot calling the kettle black. The temerity of the United Nations never ceases to astound me. This is an international organization that made billions on the oil for food program, whose peacekeepers raped women and young girls, an organization whose Human Rights Committee members comes from some of the most radical, and violent regimes in the world. I've written in the past that the only place racism exist in America is in the mind of the black man and woman. Through the media, and political groups, black men and women are continually feed images of a time that no longer exist in American society. I've also wrote in past posts that although some racism still exist in America, it is not even close to the level that it once achieved. Since September 11th 2001 some 800 racially motivated incidents against Muslim, Arab, or Asian decent have been investigated by federal authorities. And there is the difference. That these incidents were reported and that action was taken to rectify the problem, and not to simply sweep it under the carpet as it were. Although 800 sounds like a lot, if you do the math that equals out to about 100 cases a year. Also when you put that into perspective with an American population that's well over 350 million, suddenly those 800 racial incidents do not sound like a lot.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Homosexual pervert marriage in San Francisco

The California Supreme Court upholds the decision of Mayor Gavin Newsom to recognize same sex marriage. Next, these degenerate sickos will want insurance benefits and even to file income tax as a wedded couple. The medical insurance will come in handy when the couple contracts Aids from their deviant behavior. By recognizing this abomination as accepted behavior, we are setting the stage for the next generation of perverts to ask for even more rights. Furthermore, what is next on this dark horizon, child molesters, rapist, and bestiality? The sky is the limit when it comes to the deranged mind.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Bush Optimistic about Mideast Reform

Have you ever noticed that in the last 20 to 25 years every U.S. president who's near the end of his term, usually ends it in a trip to Israel? These official state visits usually fall into one of two categories. They're either there to prop Israel up as a model of a modern democracy, or to try and negotiate some kind of peace between Jews and Palestinians'. Yesterday President Bush was doing just that, Praising Israel for 60 years of continued democratic rule. "What happened here is possible everywhere", remarked Bush. "I suspect if you looked back 60 years ago and tried to guess where Israel would be at that time, it would be hard to be able to project such a prosperous, hopeful land." That's laying it on kind of think. His talking about a country that from its very inception has been plagued with violence. An early product of the United Nations, Israel was to be a homeland for all Jews, even though that particular parcel of land once called Palestine was not populated primarily by people of Jewish decent. In its' 60 year existence Israel has been subjected to war, and terrorism. In the last 60 years Israel's policies toward the Palestinians has turned that nation into an apartied state. You have young Palestinian men with explosive belts, or vests looking for targets of opportunity, you have Israeli attack copters firing rockets into apartment buildings in an effort to kill Hamas ring leaders. And last but not least you have Israeli military units moving through Palestinian suburbs, bulldozing homes of suicide bombers and leaving their families on the streets. If that is supposed to be a shining example of democracy, then you can have it! Also I might add in the 60 years of its' existence, Israel has not influenced one nation in the region to change its form of government to one more democratic. Taking all that into account, what value does Israel really hold for the United States? And are the Jewish people any better off now that they have a nation of their own, surrounded on three sides by enemies with their backs literally to the sea?

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Going postal over postage

Yet another extra expense has been thrust upon the American people in the form of postage. Yes, I know it is just one or two cents a year but when will the postage hike stop? Personally, I see the U.S. postal service to go the way of the telephone booth or the drive in theater. It is rare to find one and when you do, they are usually out of service.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Genetically Altered Embryos

Now for the first time, news has surfaced of tests on Human Embryos' is being conducted to see if they can be modified. Some watch groups however have condemned this kind of research as trying to create "designer babies". One author however said that the studies were centered on stem cells. The author also noted that the research was done on an abnormal embryo that had no chance of ever developing into a baby. Dr. Zev Rosenwaks who is the director of the Center for Reproductive Medicine and Infertility at New York-Presbyterian/Weill Cornell Medical Center remarked that "None of us wants to make designer babies". The embryo that was tested had extra chromosomes that made it nonviable. Following the same type of procedure used with animals, a gene was inserted that would act as a maker that can easily be tracked over time. The result that scientist were looking for, that a gene when introduce into an abnormal embryo could still be tracked in stem cells that are taken from the embryo. No stem cells however were taken from this embryo. Although I see the potential benefit of stem cell research I can understand and in some ways share the fear that certain watch dog groups have. If left unchecked, this type of research could take a turn for the worst. People paying top dollar to have their future children genetically altered to suit their own desires. Hair color, stamina, intelligence, or athletic ability could all be chosen before pregnancy and then administered after conception. While those how can't afford to pay the exorbitant price will be left with children who might one day be considered "second class". Sound farfetched? Just remember we live in a time of the Internet, wireless communications, as well as several other things we take for granted every day, just think 15 to 20 years ago all this was science fiction. With that in mind, is it really so hard to accept the possibility?

Sunday, May 11, 2008


Some anime and video game titles translate well to film while others do not. This film definitely falls into the latter. Written and directed by the Wachowski Brothers, this film tried a little too hard to capture the anime feel. With over the top special effects and childish humor that kind of left me feeling sick, like those beef and bean burritos I ate the other night. The acting was believable, and the racing scenes were fantastic. Let's not forget Christina Ricci in the role as Trixie, which she portrayed quite well. Also John Goodman as Pops Racer, Susan Sarandon, and Emile Hirsch as Speed Racer all did quite well in the portrayal of their characters. If the Wachowski Brothers didn't try so hard to make a live action movie more anime in appearance then this would have been a great film. Long time fans of the anime series will not be pleased with what they see. If you haven't already seen this film, then save your money and wait for it to come out on cable.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

By the bit

Internet service providers are considering a pay as you use meter on Internet users. This idea stems from statics that the average user only uses thirty percent of their bandwidth. With more people starting to utilize their Internet connection for phone, and television this could considerably raise the cost of broadband service.

Friday, May 9, 2008

Myanmar Cyclone and Global Warming

Continuing my coverage of what I can only describe as natural disaster week, we now have the tragedy that has occurred in Myanmar. With a death toll that could exceed 100,000, the cleanup promises to be long and painful. Amidst all this death and destruction we have Al Gore, self proclaimed deity of weather, and messiah of the new faith, taking this opportunity to push his beliefs on the rest of us. During an interview on May 6th on NPRs' Fresh Air hosted by Terry Gross, Al Gore made the incredible leap that what happened in Myanmar was a direct consequence of global warming. "And as we're talking today, Terry, the death count in Myanmar from the cyclone that hit there yesterday has been rising from 15,000 to way on up there to much higher numbers now being speculated" Gore remarked. "And last year a catastrophic storm from last fall hit Bangladesh. The year before, the strongest cyclone in more than 50 years hit China-and we're seeing consequences that scientists have long predicted might be associated with continued global warming." I don't mean to be picky but I believe the catch word in that last sentence is might. Gore went on to explain that it was global warming that was affecting ocean temperatures, and thus causing these destructive storms to manifest. "It's also important to note that the emerging consensus among the climate scientist is although any individual storm can't be linked singularly to global warming-we've always had hurricanes," that's an interesting admission from the prophet of climate change. "Nevertheless, the trend toward more Category 5 storms – the larger ones and trend toward stronger and more destructive storms appear to be linked to global warming and specifically to the impact of global warming on higher ocean temperatures in the top couple of hundred feet of the ocean, which drives convection energy and moisture into these storms and makes them more powerful." So it appears to Al Gore and the climate scientist that there's a connection between global warming and severe storms. I'm sorry but when you use words such as might, or appear, to explain a hypothesis to me it sounds very noncommittal. Also throughout that entire statement I might add, Al Gore failed to make one connection between Human activity and global warming as it relates to these severe storms. Even CNN meteorologist Rob Marciano, one of the few meteorologist not silenced by the eco – Nazi's, disputed the claim in October 2007 of any correlation between recent severe storms and global warming.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Sharpton arrested in New York

Normally I would not give this clown any attention, but I feel I must prove a point. Why must the media give the so-called reverend Al Sharpton and the rest of this Negro supremacist airtime whenever one of their criminal relatives has a scrape with law enforcement? However when a police officer is hurt or killed it is treated with little or no fanfare. This latest protest sends a very dangerous message to young impressible Negros to hate the ones who protect them. This is yet again another media stunt to raise more money for Al Sharpton plain and simple. If he really cared for his people, he would use his influence to encourage Negros to obey the law. I guess you cannot sell common sense in today's mass media market.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Chilean Volcano Continues to Erupt!

The Chaiten volcano which started to spew ash and smoke last Thursday has increased with lava now flowing from the summit. This past Tuesday the provincial capital of Chaiten as well as other nearby settlements were ordered to completely evacuate. Rain fall in the effected region has already turned the ash to mud, with the town of Chaiten the most heavily affected. The few remaining citizens of Chaiten who chose to stay behind have now been evacuated to two navy ships. For the last five days the volcanos' continuous eruptions has sent plumes of smoke and ash well into the stratosphere, across Patagonia all the way to the Atlantic. Carmen Fernandez who heads Chiles' emergency bureau said of the lava seeping from the volcano " is very small and very thick, so it is moving slowly. " Also being evacuated is the town of Futaleufu which is some 75 miles east of Chaiten , and is near the Argentina border . Reports from officials in Argentina indicate that large areas in the southern part of that country are now experiencing ash fall .

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Cinco de mayo

I have some great plans to celebrate this mestizo holiday. Number one stay off the streets mestizos are all ready drunk enough and this is an excuse to drink more. Number two lock everything on your property down, because eventually the mestizos will run out of drinking money and they are prone to steal everything in sight. Number three call every immigration office in your area to help the mestizos celebrate this Mexican holiday in Mexico. While you have your phone book out also call all your city, county, and state, representatives to let them know how unhappy you are with these illegal criminal aliens getting drunk in America's streets on your tax dollars. Let us celebrate our independence from those who depend on us.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Volcano Rumbles In Chile

A volcano near the town of Chaiten, Chile ejected ash and smoke on Thursday, causing the majority of the town to evacuate. Only 45 of the 4,500 residents of Chaiten chose to remain. A layer of ash now covers houses, trees, cars, and streets, giving the place the look of a ghost town. The town of Chaiten is just 750 miles south of the capital, Santiago. During Thursday's eruption the volcano released large columns of smoke that reached an altitude of 12 miles, the governments' emergency bureau reported. Prevailing winds also drove the smoke and ash to other population centers in the region, across the Andes and into Argentina where two airlines had to suspend flights due to poor visibility. Most of Chaiten's inhabitants were relocated to the close by cities of Puerto Montt and Castro. " This has been a historic catastrophe for us, but we will rebuild from the ashes." said Chaiten mayor Jose Fritis. Yes I'm sure that Al Gore is on his way even now, with a giant S emblazoned on his chest, and with the power of the earth spirit Gaia he'll make everything lush and green for the embattled citizens of Chaiten.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

The electric sports car finally arrives

The Tesla roadster will be on the road soon. With a price tag of 100,000 dollars, I do not think that Joe six pack or Sally soccer mom will drive this vehicle anytime soon. This invention promises 0 to 60 in four seconds with a top speed of 125 MPH. Charging takes three and a half hours with a range of 225 miles. All this sounds great but the big news is that there are plans for a family car in the near future.

Saturday, May 3, 2008


Without a doubt this was a great action movie. I've got to give credit where credit is due Hollywood did a great job with this one. Robert Downey Jr.'s portrayal of Tony Stark was superb. The special effects were also astounding, but then again we're talking about Industrial Light & Magic, and anything they do is solid gold. As for a supporting cast I never thought I'd say this but Gwyneth Paltroh was hot! Jeff Bridges and Terrence Howard along with Shaun Toub did an excellent job as well. I don't want to spoil anything but when the film ends and the credits start to roll don't leave yet. There is an extra scene at the end of the credits that you might find interesting. Unless the Hulk or Dark Knight is supreme then this will be the action movie of the summer.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Reverend Dr. Jeremiah Wright and The Press Club

Monday morning Rev. Wright spoke at the press club, and was given the chance to address some of the criticism leveled against him. Having watched it in its entirety, I found it thoroughly entertaining. In fact I don't think there exist a more perfect example of character assassination, except perhaps Al Gore when he accepted the Nobel Peace Prize for that unproven hypothesis he calls Global Warming. Smug, arrogant, and unashamed he made some of the most outlandish statements I've not heard since the first radio broadcast of Air America. Instead of meeting his critiques head on he states that any criticism against what he says is an attack on the black church, and has chosen to hide behind that statement. See what I mean? There's no such thing as honest debate in America anymore. If you disagree or have a point of view that differs from the status quo you're automatically labeled. During his moment in the limelight Rev. Wright blamed America for all the supposed woes that blacks suffer from. From the U.S. government creating the H.I.V. virus to specifically kill blacks to introducing illegal drugs in poor neighborhoods to get black men incarcerated, and my favorite that America brought 9-11 on itself. I've got to admit what he said makes for wonderful fiction. If this man were a film director and not a spiritual leader, then I'd eagerly wait for the movie to come out. So according to him the U.S. government created the H.I.V. virus. I'm sorry but the U.S. gov. can't even balance the national budget let alone devise a virus to wipeout certain ethnic groups. As for the government introducing illegal drugs into poor black neighborhoods, I blame blacks for that. Blacks who listened to politicians and believed that because of their ethnicity they were disadvantaged and took welfare. As for the drugs let's not forget about those wonderful cartels in South America. And finally his use of the biblical verse " do unto others as you would have done unto you " to describe the terrorist attack America suffered on 9-11-01. You always have to be careful when using biblical verses to make a point, because those verses are open to interpretation it can come back to bite you …… right now. There has been terrorism in the Middle East in one form or other since the time of the Roman Empire. Before Israel became a legitimate state that particular region was under the control of Great Britain, and they too suffered from terrorist attacks. So for Reverend Wright to solely blame 9-11 on American policy to me is ignorance. As I've said in pervious posts Reverend Wright is a poor student of history. Let me finish this post with an observation. I've noticed a commonality with men like Rev. Wright, Jesse Jackson, and Al Sharpton; these are men who seem to hate America in some form. Accusing America of racism, inequality, or some type of injustice, and yet all three of these men have a common bond. They've become wealthy thanks to the opportunities that America provides. These men have built their fortunes on preaching hate.