Sunday, January 13, 2008

Mudslinging ......An American tradition .

I must admit , i do love it when Liberals eat their own . Recently some insensitive remarks were made by both the Hillery and Obama camps . Sen. Clintons remarks were that she gave the credit of passing civil rights legislation to former president Lyndon B. Johnson and not through the works of John F. Kennedy or Martin Luther King Jr. This has greatly offended black voters in S.C. . Meanwhile Obama said in effect that his and Hillarys voting record on the Iraq war were the same and basically questioning her experience . Former president Bill ( Slick Willie) Clinton rushed to his wifes defense claiming Obamas ascertains about Hillarys voting record is "the biggest fairy tale i've ever heard " , kind of like when he claimed he never had sexual relations with that intern . He also blamed the media of coddling to Obama , a privilege that Bill believes only belongs to him . In true form Bill Clinton is trying to play both sides of this issue . In interviews on Sirrus satellite talk shows he says he always speaks of Obama in positive terms , basically he's trying to save as many black voters as he can .

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