Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Mandatory restitution

This is an idea about a new law that needs to be passed, to put the cost of the crime directly on the person responsible," The criminal". Instead of the taxpayers paying the bill for the housing, Health Care, and rehabilitation of the criminal, I believe that the criminal should receive the bill. This bill should include law enforcement's time, the court's time, the entire cost of housing and caring for the criminal. In addition, the victim of crime will receive payment for time, for all injuries, and any loss or inconveniences; this includes a pain and suffering. The criminal should pay or else be given a menial job until these bills are met. The sentence will end when all involved parties are fully paid. The most powerful crime deterrent is money, a criminal will think twice before racking up so much debt that they will never be free. Furthermore, look at all the public service work that can be done while teaching a possible trade.

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