Wednesday, July 16, 2008


Pakistani Foreign Minister Shah Mamood Qureshi during an interview said that no U.S. forces are currently operating in the northern area of Pakistan, and according to the wishes of the new Pakistani government, none would be allowed. "Our government's policy is that our troops, paramilitary forces and our regular forces are deployed in sufficient numbers. They are capable of taking action there. And any foreign intrusion would be counterproductive." Qureshi continued by saying, "People will not accept it. Questions of sovereignty come in." In spite of what the foreign minister said, villagers who live in the border region between Pakistan and Afghanistan have reported seeing U.S. predator drones firing missiles at suspected Al-Qaida, and Taliban groups. So unless I'm mistaken, the foreign minister believes that this is an internal affair? And that he believes Pakistan's forces are arrayed in enough strength to handle any militants? But the people will not tolerate outside forces from entering their territory, and yet not only do these villagers not mind foreign fighters such as Al-Qaida, and the Taliban to dwell in those areas, but according to the latest intelligence report are sympathetic to their cause. Not only are the villagers in that border area, but at last report almost half of Pakistan's military, and a good portion of their intelligence service. Since the resumption of the Gulf War in 2003, many anti-war protesters, mainly Democrats such as Kennedy have called that theater of operations a quiage mire reminiscent of the Vietnam conflict. However I put it to you this way; When comparing the two conflicts (Afghanistan & Iraq) we see a striking difference in results. Since the surge insurgent violence though not completely eliminated has diminished greatly. Meanwhile in Afghanistan forces under N.A.T.O. command have met with lackluster results, at best it's a stalemate. Ultimately, the next President of the United States will have to decide how best to deal with Al- Qaida in Pakistan, continue with the current status quo with no end in sight, or invade northern Pakistan and risk escalating the conflict?

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