Monday, December 3, 2007

What is so kosher about kosher tax?

Why should we have to pay a tax based on other group's racial beliefs? Let us conduct an experiment. Look inside your kitchen cabinet or refrigerator. In the corner of the barcode on the package, see if there is a circle with a K or a U. How many products do you have that is marked with these symbols? You paid a secret kosher tax for those items. Feel that little sting that is your pride. Now you ask how this tax can go unnoticed for so long, well look at the credit roll at the end of anything that comes from the idiot box. Start to get the picture. What you do not know will hurt you, especially in the wallet. Then we get to the kosher slaughter of animals. It disturbs me to see an animal suffer for any reason but this method of killing is completely sick. First, a rabbi blesses the animal then slits its throat, the beast writhes in pain until it bleeds to death. We support this suffering by paying this tax. We need a kosher free choice so we will not have any connection to this evil ritualistic form of slaughter.

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