Saturday, December 15, 2007

The holocaust fact or fiction part 1 introduction

There are small groups of individuals who despite popular beliefs deny the wholesale slaughter of the Jewish people during world war two. In this multi blog series, I am going to examine this group and the controversy that surrounds them. I hope that to some open-minded freethinking individuals this might be a valuable source of information, and spark some debate on the issue. Of course, this is an unpleasant topic but it is my belief that to reach true peace and understanding we must face and challenge this subject and others like it. There is no doubt, that the German people detained Jews and other enemies of the state that is not the argument. It is the homicidal gas chambers, soap, lampshades and of course the six million number. These stories and others like them that negatively paint the European people as evil monsters this is what we will study. We will focus on fact and physics not feelings and guilt. I hope to support this series with both audio and video and many other references.

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