Monday, December 31, 2007
Happy New Year !!!!!!
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Mars Impact Update !!!!!
The inevitable death of the dollar
Mortgage rates through the roof, unbelievable gas prices, gold and silver at all time highs. These are all indicators that the dollar is dying and we are at the threshold of hyperinflation. Joe six-pack and Sally soccer mom's two jobs is not going to be enough anymore. Can we say soup kitchens boys and girls! It will soon take a basket full of Federal Reserve corporation notes just for a loaf of bread. This has happened before, twice the great depression and post world war one Germany. Those who do not know their history are doomed to repeat it. It looks like we almost all have amnesia we when it comes to paper currency. No interest rate cut or any other distraction is going to stop this disaster. Prepare by buying gold and silver these have both been a reliable trade medium for hundreds of years. You may also want to purchase some firearms because not everybody is going to act in a civil manner when there is no money to pay law enforcement. We face some unpredictable times ahead but Americans have rose to the action more than once. We have won our independence before and we will do it again.
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Friday, December 28, 2007
Japan Beefs Up Defence
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Pakistan-A State Of Chaos
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Alien vs Predator Requiem
Christmas a pagan tradition
I find this subject hilarious; people really believe that this particular holiday is the most sacred time of the year. Where in the Bible does it state that we must go into debt, lie to our children and get intoxicated? I must have missed that part. Here are some facts on this annual occasion .Suicide rates are the highest during the holidays than any other time of the year. Must be the guilt that idiot box programmed into you to buy everything your child wants even if you can afford it or not. DUI fatalities are the highest this time of year. Got to booze it up to forget about all the money you spent. Can you feel all the Christmas spirit? Shopping for anything is a nightmare, with all the rude people pushing and shoving to catch that special deal. Shoppers killing each other for a toaster or house slippers that Aunt Betty did not want in the first place. Then we get to the religious fanatics who argue every year to keep the nativity scene in front of the local abortion clinic. Does all this make you feel like celebrating? Bottom line is you should have the right to believe whatever you want, but you do not have the right to shove your beliefs down anybody else's throat. So during this so-called religious holiday keep your feelings of joy no matter what form or fashion to yourself. In addition, use some common sense if you have any.
Monday, December 24, 2007
Sunday, December 23, 2007
National Treasure Book Of Secrets
Saturday, December 22, 2007
The holocaust fact or fiction part 2 imprisoned authors and historians
Questioning no other subject in the world can get you locked in a prison but the holocaust. In almost all European countries and Canada if you even question the sacred six million number you can be imprisoned. Just ask authors Ernst Zundel, Germar Rudolf, and historian David Irving. Even in the United States such as the case of engineer Fred Leuchter. Who at the request of the Ernst Zundel defense team, to examine the Auschwitz concentration camp. Just upon his findings, which was ground breaking in the holocaust revisionist community, cost him his career and reputation for stating nothing but scientific fact and reason. Mr. Zundel a German born U.S. citizen, crossed into Canada with a pamphlet asking the question." Did six million really die"? His only crime was breaking the Canadian hate speech law, for this he sits in a German prison for six years. Mr. Leuchter an execution expert called to test the alleged gas chambers at Auschwitz camp in Poland. During his investigation, he found no proof of zyklon b gas used at all except in delousing, which was standard procedure at that time. Even the samples taken from the site and sent to an independent lab in the United States found no evidence of zyklon b gas. For two men who did nothing but ask questions had their freedom and livelihood taken all this in the name of anti-Semitism. Mr. Irving questioned the six million-death count by referring to world war two Red Cross reports, which actually puts the number of deaths for all concentration camps at two hundred fifty thousand. He spent two years in an Austrian jail for doing nothing more than what I am doing right now.
Friday, December 21, 2007
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Monday, December 17, 2007
Saturday, December 15, 2007
The holocaust fact or fiction part 1 introduction
There are small groups of individuals who despite popular beliefs deny the wholesale slaughter of the Jewish people during world war two. In this multi blog series, I am going to examine this group and the controversy that surrounds them. I hope that to some open-minded freethinking individuals this might be a valuable source of information, and spark some debate on the issue. Of course, this is an unpleasant topic but it is my belief that to reach true peace and understanding we must face and challenge this subject and others like it. There is no doubt, that the German people detained Jews and other enemies of the state that is not the argument. It is the homicidal gas chambers, soap, lampshades and of course the six million number. These stories and others like them that negatively paint the European people as evil monsters this is what we will study. We will focus on fact and physics not feelings and guilt. I hope to support this series with both audio and video and many other references.
United Nations signs environmental pact for 2009
Why are we allowing other countries to dictate our laws? The environmentalists have gone too far asking the United Nations to change American policy. Let me say this where everybody even environmentalists can understand it. There is no such thing as global warming. This idea is just a way to keep us divided and to make money. Now these tree-hugging hippies are going to force their junk science upon the world thanks to another bad idea the U.N. We should reject this pact and kick the U.N. off our eastern shore.
Friday, December 14, 2007
English only policy for Philadelphia business owner
Joe Vento owner of Geno's steaks posted a sign in his restaurant asking his patrons to order in English only. Of course, there is a lawsuit calling this sign discriminatory. Mr. Vento said that the posted request is to keep his business running more efficiently. This is a privately owned business I personally think he should serve his clientele anyway he wants to. This sign does not pose a threat to anyone and the people of Philadelphia should support this man in his effort. Steak anyone?
Junk food for the body and the mind
In today's culture, it is so easy to forget and if you cannot forget on your own, we have plenty of distractions. Like television with almost every household having either cable or satellite you can be brainwashed twenty-four hours a day. However, you have to go to work to pay for those two million channels of garbage so you pry your overweight posterior off the couch to get into your car. Never fear you got the radio in there to tell you what to do. Do not worry about your visual stimulation with all the signs and billboards sometimes we forget about where you were going in the first place. That is right work, but now you are hungry. That is OK you can stop at any fast-food joint on the way and take care of that. Finally, we have made our way thru the sea of advertising and get to work. Now we feel stressed out. No problem just call your doctor to get a prescription of that new drug you have heard about on the idiot box. After the workday is over you can go home, of course stop on the way for some more fast food and watch the television to see what else it tells you to do. For many people this is life and even after learning that this lifestyle is unhealthy, they will still never change. Popular culture is an addiction but there is hope. Look in your greasy hand, that is a remote control find the button marked off and push it. You will suffer some withdraw symptoms but that will pass. Find other things to do like walking or just staring out a window in a week or two you will feel better I promise.
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Federal Reserve Corporation cuts interest rates again
Another last chance effort to save the dying dollar, Wall Street bloodhounds will of course take the bait and make what they can but I think it is too late. This latest cut is like putting a Band-Aid over an amputated leg. Look for some more warning signs of the impending financial doom. The first is War with Iran, second any so called terrorist alert, third gold and silver prices skyrocket. Remember the holiday shopping report is due in January and so far, things are not looking good for the first quarter. The good news is when this does happen we can go back to the gold and silver standards as stated in our Constitution.
Sunday, December 9, 2007
Oil or food
This is a major decision in almost all American households and we should be outraged. To spend a quarter of your monthly income on fuel just to get to work is ridiculous. Do not think this is because of the war, this is the destruction of the Federal Reserve Cooperation note, and we are all paying for it. The dollar is dying and I believe there is no turning back, leading us to hyperinflation and eventually to another even greater depression. Just imagine our fast food society, with no food in the grocery or not having enough money to afford it. What will you do? With all the violence, that we already have think about what people will do when they are hungry and desperate. Got your attention yet, there is still more to come. How are we going to dig ourselves out of this situation when the enviable happens? With no privately owned farmland and all the industry shipped to other countries, we will have to start over with nothing. Gold, silver, and lead, these are your best investment opportunities in preparation for this event .Gold is a given we have traded with this metal throughout history. Silver is the same but what is most important is that silver has peaked. For all you college graduates this means we have mined silver almost to extinction and with every electronic device, requiring silver the rest should be obvious to you. Lead is valuable when used with a little gunpowder then we might get our country back.
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Kosher slaughter
Warning this video contains actual scenes of kosher slaughter and is very graphic. View at your own risk you have been warned.
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Monday, December 3, 2007
What is so kosher about kosher tax?
Why should we have to pay a tax based on other group's racial beliefs? Let us conduct an experiment. Look inside your kitchen cabinet or refrigerator. In the corner of the barcode on the package, see if there is a circle with a K or a U. How many products do you have that is marked with these symbols? You paid a secret kosher tax for those items. Feel that little sting that is your pride. Now you ask how this tax can go unnoticed for so long, well look at the credit roll at the end of anything that comes from the idiot box. Start to get the picture. What you do not know will hurt you, especially in the wallet. Then we get to the kosher slaughter of animals. It disturbs me to see an animal suffer for any reason but this method of killing is completely sick. First, a rabbi blesses the animal then slits its throat, the beast writhes in pain until it bleeds to death. We support this suffering by paying this tax. We need a kosher free choice so we will not have any connection to this evil ritualistic form of slaughter.
Sunday, December 2, 2007
One tax break per laptop
Now you can buy a one hundred dollar laptop for your child but you must donate one to a child in a third world country. What happened to taking care of our own? What are these third world children going to do with a laptop you cannot eat it. This is all about the tax break. Not about a third world child who does not know a laptop from a pencil. I can just imagine all this technology used to cure animal skins, start a fire, or even killing a rival tribesman for a mate. If you really care that much for third world nations move to one and see what tax breaks they offer you.
Saturday, December 1, 2007
Do not punish the kids
During the Republican Presidential debate a couple of days ago, yet another spin on the immigration issue was set before the American people. So now, we are supposed to allow the offspring of these illegal criminal aliens amnesty. Once again, this made all the lemmings watching the idiot box feel guilty for the poor little children of criminal border jumpers. Do not allow this scripted debate to change the fact that these children were born in this country for a purpose. These kids commonly referred to as "anchor babies" are not only to change citizenship status, also their used for access to welfare and free medical care. What about our own children should we feel bad for dumping more responsibility on their generation by allowing more of these criminals into our population? Letting our own children go without for the rights of others who are not even citizens should not even be a debate.