Monday, April 14, 2008

Senator's Hillary & Obama Clash Over Statements

Here's a prime example of how politicians will do or say anything to get elected . Last week Sen. Barack Obama at a fundraiser in San Francisco talked about the bitterness that American voters feel about their government , and that all they have left to cling to is " their guns and their religion ". Well i feel that if the American people could pry themselves from their favorite nightly t.v. shows and discovered what their government is doing in their name , then armed insurrection and the faith to see it through might not seem so far fetched . Sen. Hillary Clinton meanwhile trying to cort the religious , and conservative vote by portraying herself as more moderate called Sen. Obama's statements as " elitist and divisive " truly strange accusations coming from her . While as senator of New York she has continually pushed for gun control . As I've always said politicians will do or say anything to get elected , even if they have to reverse their stance on certain issues to get the votes . Yet you just can't get those hard core voters to see that . I'm talking about those people who vote Republican or Democrat regardless of the outcome . I'm talking about those individuals who vote not on the merits of the candidates , but simply because that's how their parents and their parents before them voted . I've said before that kind of single minded devotion cheapens the electoral process .

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